It is fascinating to personally experience what you are talking about. You can’t have missed that our next round of Circle of Peers events focuses on the topic of Resilience. The first event was this week in London at the Institute of Directors. Carol, Erica and Andreas were in attendance and I was planning to arrive just in time as I needed to see my consultant about a hip replacement!
Since I have set myself a personal target to live to 110, the new hip will be the first bionic part in me – who knows what else will follow. So everything went smoothly until I got on the train – it turned into a snail and then the taxi driver decided to take the worst route to the Institute of Directors. I was so conscious that Carol would be left holding the baby till I arrived. Yes, the presentation was on my laptop and I was unable to transfer it to her! It was interesting to then be in that situation where all the powers of positive thinking, emotional intelligence and self control have to swing into play. So it could not have been better in terms of demonstrating that every day we are called to draw on our resilience in order to cope with our increasingly chaotic world.
To cap it off today, I am writing this blog at Terminal 5 – why you may ask? My day got kidnapped and so the blog did not get written! We had computer issues in the office and so I was beautifully distracted. The thing that has impressed me was the way our team handled the stress superbly. When a team pulls together it is amazing how the most stressful situations can be dealt with – with humour and good will.
Next week’s blog will be about our trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai so keep your eyes peeled!!

Here is another reminder about our final Circle of Peers dates for the rest of the year.
November 10th London 10:00 – 15:00 Resilience – can it be developed?
November 14th Abu Dhabi 09:00 – 15:00 Circle of Peers Conference
November 21th Dubai 09:00 – 15:00 Circle of Peers Conference
November 24th Isle of Man 17:30 onwards Circle of Peers Casual Networking
November 25th Isle of Man 12:00 – 14:30 Resilience – can it be developed?
November 27th Reigate 09:00 – 14:00 Resilience – can it be developed?
December 1st Gibraltar 17:30 onwards Circle of Peers Casual Networking
December 2nd Gibraltar 12:00 – 14:30 Resilience – can it be developed?
December 7th London 17:30 onwards Circle of Peers Casual Networking
December 21st London 17:30 onwards Circle of Peers Casual Networking