Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Scholefield firmly believes in practising what it preaches. We are an organisation which pro-actively supports and values its customers, employees, the local community and the environment.

We also believe in taking account of our own economic, social and environmental impact well beyond the legal requirements.

As an industry leader in best practice, not only do we provide support and guidance to other organisations, we also take time to examine our own practices and we have a firm understanding of the ethical and moral concerns of business in the 21st century. We recognise that the management of social, ethical and environmental issues involves everyone.

Investors in People

We were awarded Investors in People (IiP) status in 1998 and have continually maintained the standard since then, moving through Gold to the new Platinum standard. We do not like to rest on our laurels. The spirit of continuous improvement burns brightly at Scholefield!

2022 – we not only maintained our Platinum accreditation (held by just 5% of organisations), but were specifically praised for our ‘high performing’ nature in all nine areas. Additionally, we were nominated as IiP finalists in the fields of ‘Young Person of the Year’ and ‘Best Use of Technology’.

2020 – we were pleased to have been nominated as an IiP finalist for the award for Employer of the Year: Platinum in the 2 – 49 category!

2019 – we were delighted to be accredited for the IiP Platinum standard (introduced 2016), improving on our past Gold standards!

2016 – we maintained the Gold standard.

2013  – we achieved the Gold Standard meeting 186 of the 192 indicators. There are just under 1,000 organisations holding the Gold Standard.

In the 2013 Assessment Report, our IiP Assessor said:

  • “Your values are truly lived by your people.”
  • “Strong understanding by everybody about the business, how it runs and what is important to make it successful.”
  • “Training everybody as a trainer and all that goes with that training such as developing feedback skills, helping people understand their learning styles.”
  • “Strong visible hands on leadership from the top team and other managers.”
  • “Greater use of technology to communicate with the business community.”
  • “Diversity and equality – there is an inherent spirit in Cullen Scholefield to get it right.”

2010  – We achieved the Gold Standard meeting 178 of the 192 indicators. The Gold Standard requires you to gain a minimum of 165 indicators.

2007  – We retained both standards.

2004  – We were the first company in the South East to be awarded the IiP Work-Life Balance Model award. The Work-Life Balance Model involves us including our people in the business decision making process, recognising their personal needs and ambitions, and implement flexible working arrangements to suit individual personal commitments.

We love to celebrate so have a look at one of our nights out!

The Environment

We recognise that the climate crisis is the biggest single universal challenge of our times and requires immediate action by all of us.

Flexible Working

We support both our employees and consultants by offering flexible work schedules. This often enables home working and subsequent reduction in commuting emissions.

Paperless Working

Wherever possible, we avoid unnecessary internal printing, utilising cloud software and team viewing to help achieve this.


Where we do use paper, we try whereever possible to recycle it. This means using recycled paper in our main photocopier.

We even use old marketing paper for our A3 print outs!

Letting the train take the strain

We work all over the UK, and where possible we travel by train rather than car – this also enables us to work while travelling!

Valuing Our People

A few of the ways we value our people:

We have a diverse workforce in terms of traditional definitions such as ethnicity and age.  We also have diverse forms of workers as not all of our people are directly employed. With all of our people we have real flexibility in terms of work – life preferences and working arrangements.

We practise what we preach and don’t just provide the minimum requirements for our people. Our people have a genuine passion and commitment and the skills to help achieve the best possible results in their roles.

Our team has ownership and accountability for their own performance; they feel valued and trusted and there is a ‘family feel’ to the organisation.

We have a culture of fun, innovation and flexibility which has led to achievement and high quality results.

The traditional ‘long working hours’ culture can be damaging to the health and wellbeing of people and their families and we respect that. We operate flexible working hours and still ensure that the office is covered from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Our people understand that if the business requires extra hours to be worked one week, then they will be met, and likewise we support and adapt to changing circumstances in our people’s lives.

Scholefield provides private health cover for our directly employed people and their families, practically ensuring the best quality in healthcare possible for them.

We firmly believe in Continuing Professional Development. We ensure that everyone is up to date with their CPD Plans and Records too!

The results of valuing our people in these ways are evident in our loyal, committed and flexible people, and are tangibly reinforced by minimal sickness absence and turnover.

Mental Health

Variations in mental health can all too often go unnoticed or unmentioned in the workplace. We support our people in this respect and encourage you to keep an eye open and do the same when signs arise.

If you are experiencing difficulty and need to speak to someone, here is an international list of charities, hotlines, and helplines with willing volunteers who are ready to listen.

Equal Opportunities Policy

Scholefield is an organisation working within a diverse community.

We know that people continue to be discriminated against because of their race, colour, ethnicity, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, religious beliefs, class and economic status and size.

Scholefield will guard against unwitting or deliberate acts of discrimination that lead to disadvantage.

Privacy Policy

Scholefield takes the privacy of its users seriously.

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users while providing a personalised and valuable service. This Privacy Policy Statement explains the data processing practices of If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please contact our marketing team by eMail at

For our full Privacy Policy, click here.

Red Nose Day

Soap Box Rally 2019

We are delighted to have sponsored our Senior Consultant Gareth Preece’s soap box rally charity team, the Heworth School Blazers. Watch their final run through the streets of York during the Micklegate Run:

Graduate Show 2019 - Art Academy London

This July we were delighted to support the Graduate Show of the Art Academy London, showcasing the art of Thomas Golunski.

Lindfield Arts Festival 2019

We were delighted to sponsor the Lindfield Arts Festival again in its 10th anniversary year! See what went on…

Lindfield Arts Festival

The festival began its journey as a one day event, progressing to a three day weekend and now spans seven days of lively and diverse activities in mid July. As a community-based charity, it was important that the festival secured local business sponsors and Scholefield were thrilled to be a part of that.

The festival brought positive energy to what could be considered a quiet Sussex village. It represented an ideal fit for Scholefield – wholly inclusive and all about the community, it was very collaborative, creative and most of all fun. This valuable group of characteristics is something that any organisation would be well-served to aspire to. While Scholefield operates globally, its core people are drawn from Haywards Heath and the surrounding villages, so it is important for this local consultancy to let people know that it exists.

Visitors to the festival experienced some amazing local talent, put together by a passionate organising committee with the aim to deliver an annual Arts event for the local community that nurtures creativity, broadens the mind, provokes the imagination, and provides a unique magical experience. It was certainly a recipe for success, in a spirit sure to continue for many years to come.

Cullen Scholefield, celebrated 33 years in business in October 2019. Accredited with the Gold Investors in People Award three times in 2010, 2013 and 2016, Scholefield is known for playing the long game; relationships with clients and suppliers last for decades and this extends to relationships with employees and the charities it supports too.

Maureen Scholefield & Reindeer


Managing Director Maureen Scholefield explains, “I have always admired the dedication and enthusiasm shown by the Organising Committee and therefore believe wholeheartedly that it is a good cause to support. Especially as it is inclusive of all generations and brings creativity, fun and collaboration to the fore.”

Community Events Past

Screwball Rally

Gentlemen Tourers. Supporting York Mind

September 2018


Broadway Sound

26th August 2018


Katherine Jenkins

14th July 2018


Making Waves on Broadway

25th August 2013


Super Sunday

21st July 2013


Katherine Jenkins

20th July 2013


Pete Andre

19th July 2013


Schools Aloud

18th July 2013


Broadway Sound

26th May 2013


World Record Breaking Zumbathon 2012 Sponsor

See more images from Zumbathon 2012 here

Haywards Heath Flowerbed sponsorship

2006 onwards

Certain members of the team heartily joining in Haywards Heath community events in 2007! …

Sponsor of the Cuckfield Fair and Haywards Heath Rugby Football Club 2006, 2007, 2008

Haywards Heath Big Culture Show 2007 sponsor

Isle of Man Race Night 2007

We sponsored prizes for the 2007 Isle of Man charity race night in the aid of two local charities, Riding for the disabled on the IOM and Macmillan Cancer Support.

St Wilfrid’s C of E Primary School Project Sponsor 2007

Ashdown Ball 2006, sponsoring the ‘Children of Chernobyl’ charity

Cancer Research – proudly giving our ongoing support

Supporter of the campaign against the closure of the Princess Royal Hospital Accident and Emergency Unit in Haywards Heath

Supporting HHDBA

One of our great achievements in 2009 was to support the set up and re-launch of the Haywards Heath & District Business Association (HHDBA). Maureen Scholefield worked with the Steering Group to set up the events task group and to work on the role profiles for the positions in the organisation. Cullen Scholefield supported the organisation in its first year by providing the secretariat.

In June 2011 Maureen was appointed Chair Elect, this was confirmed at the Annual General Meeting on 17th November 2011. In order to strengthen the Association she created four sub groups:



Maureen has long held the view that the unemployment figures for young people in Sussex are under reported. This is due to young people sheltering under the umbrella of Mum and Dad.

This was the beginning of an internship scheme.

HHDBA committee members Rene Moolenaar of the Prism Group, Nick Handley of Marketing Leadership, Dulcie Brookfield of Mike Oliver Associates and Peter Sutton of South East Business Systems worked with Maureen to devise a programme. Hollie Dunster was given additional responsibility as the Intern Co-ordinator and a small pilot was created with two interns in 2012, with multiple interns both local and from European universities subsequently going through the scheme in tandem with Cullen Scholefield and the association in subsequent years.

Circle of Peers logo.