A different approach to consultancy

What's keeping you awake at night?
  • Why aren’t I getting the people I really need?
  • Why aren’t I able to keep talented people?
  • Where is the talent that I need to deliver my ambitions going to come from?
  • Why aren’t people performing to the standards that I need them to?
  • Why aren’t my teams pulling together?
  • How can I help my leaders to inspire?
  • What can I do to help people cope?
Talk to us - we can help
  • We offer a free 30-minute consultancy conversation – a no obligation chance to raise a people or organisation development issue that is keeping you awake at night or stopping you from achieving a key business objective, get some advice; be offered resources that might help; or begin a more formal engagement;
  • We also offer a ‘diagnostic’ organisation-wide survey plus a half day leadership workshop using a short questionnaire tailored to your requirements and sent to a sample of your people. £500 + VAT online or £1,250 + VAT face to face
  • We will produce a report for you highlighting areas of strength and challenge. The report will inform a half day workshop which will include advice and guidance on how to build on strengths and deal with challenges

Get in touch

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