We are delighted to welcome a new team member this week – Reem Makdese. So today is busy as usual with our lovely Simon Urgilez in to configure my new laptop, sort out other IT related issues and generally catch up. Simon’s company Intersys IT is contracted to us for IT support and we are finding his expertise invaluable.
So when he came in I suddenly realised how diverse we are. Reem is Syrian, Simon is Ecuadorian, I am Zambian, Gina is Romanian, Vicki has more than a touch of Irish in her, Seb is an Irish citizen, and Andreas is Greek Cypriot!
Then when I think of the working arrangements we have with our people we range from full time employees – our lovely Carol being the longest serving at 29 years in January, the fabulous Peter Stokes an Associate with us for 25 years and newer Associates having just started 3 months ago! Andy Gray, Huw Chapman and Colin Silverman. Our contractors – Simon, Pete Cogle and John Hockaday are treated as integral to the team and have roles and objectives in our business plan.

Flexibility is another aspect of the Cullen Scholefield world! We have full time, part time and any variation of flexible working pattern you can imagine. Then look at the age ranges from 22 to 78. We are not saying who is 78!
I am not sure about the article in HR Magazine News which says that younger workers find it harder to cope with older workers. We seem to value the strengths of both here so I am not sure about it. Perhaps in the traditional work place this is true but I believe that Cullen Scholefield is the new normal in terms of a fun, relaxed, serious, professional, mischievous place to be!!
We look forward to celebrating with our candidates tomorrow and please if you would like to join us at the IoD on Monday 21st December we would love to see you!!
December 11th | London | 11:00 onwards | Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony
For those candidates who have completed this year. |
December 21st | London | 17:30 onwards | Circle of Peers Casual Networking |
Dear Maureen
I am very delighted to be one of your lovely team .
And thank you for all your support .
Yours sincerely
Reem Makdese .