Let me take you back and no, it is not to Strawberry Fields!
We have a wonderful leader in the shape of our Queen, an object lesson in steadfastness, duty and knowledge – think of 14 Prime Ministers.
In the 1970s Baroness Rennie Fritchie was one of the first full time women’s training advisors and pioneered the training of staff at the newly formed Equal Opportunities Commission. From there a number of Women’s Groups were set up. Many are in existence today. Women in STEM makes interesting reading: https://bit.ly/3ruGJZb
There are so many women in technology – Dame Steve Shirley who pioneered women programmers working from home and yet the numbers leading IT are still low. Women in Tech gives us 10 influential Women in Tech: https://bit.ly/3v3Pqf3
So on this day let us ensure that we celebrate women and step back and praise their qualities. Shout it from the roof tops!