Just a thought – most of you know that I work and play hard, always have so probably always will. So whilst some of you may laugh when I say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy perhaps it is worthy of some attention…. We live with hectic schedules and over busy diaries so how about this for an idea?  Why not start to fill your diary with great things to do over the festive holidays?So for example instead of listing what shopping you still have to do why not put in:

  • Skype calls to long lost friends – the video can be turned off!
  • A manicure or if that is too daring for the guys a session on the driving range
  • Cinema trips
  • Catching up on TV series via Amazon Prime – a fabulous added extra
  • Learning how to use that juicer to maximum effect for the morning after pick up drink full of vitamins to replace those you have destroyed!
  • A 30 minute session with a blank sheet of paper with “what do I want to achieve in 2015 “ in the middle and have a play.