I read somewhere recently that September is the time when we start looking for change or a new beginning.  Apparently with at least thirteen years of schooling behind us we still feel the need to prepare for a new term.  Whether it is making a career change, starting a qualification or just buying new stationery, the itch for something new seems to be in the air.

I am experiencing this phenomenon rather strongly as this is the first September where I will not be returning to education.  Despite already beginning the next step after university, I am starting to feel that my pens and pencils are in need of upgrading and maybe another degree doesn’t seem quite as daunting (or expensive) as I had previously believed…

It seems however, that I am not the only one feeling September’s strange effect. As some of you already know, over the summer I have been phoning up Cullen Scholefield’s candidates and asking them about the challenges facing them in the coming months and the New Year.  Whilst looking through my responses so far, it is clear that a few of you have got the bug as well.

September appears to remain the time for learning and I have found that there is a significant desire to return to education among our candidates.  27% of candidates already working on a qualification are putting more pressure on themselves to finish now that summer is over, while another 22% are considering starting a new qualification.  So I am not the only one wishing to relive my school days, even if they are not that far behind me!

In comparison, only 14% of Candidates interviewed would like to develop or change their career by the end of the year while in 2014, this increases to 30%.  The determination to complete or start new qualifications drops by half to 24%.  So January seems to be when the new career itch starts to set in.

It must be true about September then, as an autumn chill replaces the scorching heat of this unusual British summer, it brings with it nostalgia for our school days.  We may not be able to return to the playgrounds or student unions but maybe a CIPD level seven diploma in human resource management  or a Respect Review might soothe the itch for now…

This is a just a brief look into the findings of my report so far. The study will be completed by October and more insights will be coming your way, so stay tuned. If you would like a soft copy of the final report than please email me at ebrough@www.cullenscholefield.com. It will be available from October 4th.

And don’t forget, summer may be over but our summer competition is not! There is still time to enter for a chance to win a bottle of Ridgeview bubbly for the best three statements:

The HR specialist who
The Learning and Development manager who
The HR or People Director who

The deadline date for entries 1st October 2013 so don’t miss out!