cslogo2012 3normalHuman Resources has its predecessor Personnel, of which the main directive of their department is in the name: ‘Human’ and ‘Person.’

Describing humans as a resource has perhaps had its day too.   Maureen is clear about this – that is why we changed our tag line to The People Consultancy well over a year ago!

It is good to see that Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of CIPD, has spearheaded an initiative ‘Valuing your Talent,’ a Human Capital Framework which aims to assess and define the value that people bring to an organisation. You can view the progress that this initiative is making here.

The aim of the project is to produce a new system of metrics consistent across all departments which assess and define the value people bring to the organisation. Basically the idea is to translate people into a set of figures and values which stockholders and investors can understand.

This is vital and interesting work in terms of being able to demonstrate the value of people in the language of accountants.  It is, however, not the only issue.  People professionals need to start being able to articulate the value of their talented people in crisp concise behaviourally linked statements.  These in turn should link into the values of the organisation so that all concerned can see how talented people live and breathe the values of the organisation.

As with all new ways of thinking it is easy to forget some of the old ways of working.  I agree that a consistent and comprehensive system of metrics would be a benefit in organisations – see the presentation Maureen delivered to Circle of Peers meetings last year.

People professionals must have relevant metrics at their fingertips and encourage managers to understand them but, that could be a bit soulless don’t you think?

In a world where everything is becoming more and more bureaucratic and PC shouldn’t we recognise that people are central to the success or failure of all enterprises.   It was interesting to hear that at the recent CIPD Annual General Meeting there was discussion about changing the name of the Institute to the Chartered Institute of People and Development.  This potential change has our vote!!

So how can you show your people that they are a resource in themselves?   How can you show them that you value their talent and don’t just see them as a money drain or as some finance departments describe non revenue generating people – a burden!!

It’s a simple attitude that must be adopted.  Happy people are more productive and will contribute more to an organisation.  We have already discussed several ways to show love for your people in our blogs and Maureen will be showing all the different ways of loving your people in the spring round of Circle of Peers meetings starting in London then moving to Gibraltar and the Isle of Man.

On Friday 14th February we will be holding our first Circle of Peers Collaboration: Love your People.  Maureen will review the latest thinking in this critical area to trigger debate and discussion.  This will enable you to come up with some fresh ideas and insights which can benefit your peers and ultimately your People!

For details on the event please visit our events page and confirm your attendance by filling out the form. If you have any questions then please contact me at ebrough@www.cullenscholefield.com

I will offer this one insight.  When we get bogged down with metrics and employee retention, production and happiness we can forget that vital element: people!  They are not a figure to be calculated and analysed and if you treat them as such they will know.   So be respectful and honest.

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What they say about our people.

Luckily for us, January will be over in 2 days which means we can celebrate with a well earned drink! It also mean that there are just 2 days left to make donations to a very worthy cause so please visit our fundraising page. Thank you.