Congratulations Andy, you are now the Wimbledon champion!

We cannot help but reflect on how Murray has benefited from the quality team that have supported him.  In particular how his mentor Lendl has helped to get Murray into the right psychological space.  There are many other sporting examples where great achievements have been built on to really bring in the medals.

So what is the difference that makes the difference?  What can business learn from this?

  • Vision – an inspirational picture of what could be achieved
  • Tenacity – having the stamina to go the distance
  • Resilience – to learn from the knock backs and re-group
  • Playing to strengths – know what they are and build on them
  • The right team – a balance of skills, capabilities and knowledge with shared goals
  • The right mentor – a person with the experience, credibility and humility to inspire

In the spirit of continuous improvement what is next for Murray?   Number 1 seed status, more grand slams and retaining his Wimbledon title.  What can business learn from this – there is always something more to strive for!

Developing a coaching culture is definitely taking centre court among HR professionals so Cullen Scholefield is planning to kick off another cohort for our successful ILM Coaching and Mentoring Programme this September.