What are we like?  Wrong sort of snow, too wet, too dry and now too hot!


Vicki, Hollie and I are trying to keep cool sheltering under our umbrellas, with all doors open and fan going.  Any moment now the ice cream van will be outside to tempt us too!

On a slightly serious note – how do we keep our cool when others are losing it?  My personal favourite is through considered use of Emotional Intelligence techniques.  The four attributes are:

  • Self-awareness – recognising your own emotions, realising how these affect your thoughts and behaviours, being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and have self confidence
  • Self-management – having that discipline to give yourself a good talking to when you feel that you are about to lose it!  Don’t hang back – take the initiative, follow through on what you promise to do and above all adapt
  • Social awareness – it is amazing how many people are so focused on themselves and their needs. This leads to them missing others emotional cues, mis-reading situations and failing to recognise the power dynamics at play
  • Relationship management – good relations need to be constantly worked on, how else can you hope to inspire and influence your peers?

We hope you enjoy this lovely weather and make the most of it!  Must dash as I hear the ice cream van….

Ice Cream