Exam Workshop 3 - Feedback We really value your feedback and comments on your exam workshop experience and welcome any suggestions you would like to make. Many thanks! Name* First Last Which session did you attend?* Tues 15th December, 16:00 - 18:30 (GMT) Thurs 17th December, 16:00 - 18:30 (GMT) 1. How did you find the session in terms of identifying the themes emerging from the case studies?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 2. How did you find the session in terms of gaining a better understanding of linking the themes to the Indicative Content?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 3. How did you find the session in terms of gaining a better understanding of which Learning Outcomes (LOs) were being tested in the case study?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 4. How did you find the session in terms of gaining a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 5. How did you find the session in terms of gaining a better understanding of developing a bespoke study plan?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 6. How did you find the session overall in terms of being better prepared for January's exam?* Very useful Useful Not very useful 7. Overall - how did you feel about the session?*8. How could we improve the session?Do you consent to our possible use of your comments on our website and social media channels?* Yes No I understand that Scholefield may wish to share my comments by quoting it on their website or other media channels to highlight candidates' experience of the CIPD Advanced qualification. I consent to their use for this purpose.