Cullen Scholefield HR Consultancy and Approved HR Qualification Centre
Events Calendar

Events are a very important part of the Cullen Scholefield experience

Circle of Peers logo.
Cullen Scholefield Award Ceremonies
You'll be in great company!

All our events are a great opportunity for you to experience first hand what you can expect when you choose to work with Cullen Scholefield.

There’re our renowned Circle of Peers events where you can meet candidates past, candidates past, present and enjoy an environment that’s exclusively for you and your peers. Held via Zoom, these are open to candidates and others in the field from across the world. Additionally, we hold occasional face to face meetups in London, Sussex, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man. They’re completely FREE and you’re welcome to come along!

We also hold our Awards Ceremonies to celebrate the achievements of candidates in the successful attainment of their chosen qualification. Will you join them ?

And last, but most definitely not least, is our Red Nose Day event which we’ve been supporting since the very beginning.

So, you’ll never be short of something to keep your mind and body active.

Keep in touch by subscribing to our blog!

Circle of Peers logo.