
The most effective tool for driving change!

Scholefield will introduce you to powerful coaching techniques to improve performance at all levels of your business. We are industry recognised experts at building coaching infrastructure and delivering coaching skills in your organisation so you can measure KPIs and drive sustainable change.


  • Business
  • Leadership
  • Executive
  • Career coaching
  • Building a coaching infrastructure
  • Development of coaches
  • Coaching supervision

Business coaching

Coaching and mentoring founders of start up businesses in those critical early years. Supporting business planning, the setting of targets and objectives, collaborative working practices with people, helping founders and key managers to reflect on lessons learned.

Leadership coaching

There is a growing recognition that leaders exist at all levels and that managers could also be leaders. Coaching can be helpful to give emerging leaders and managers the space to discuss this, then practice their leadership skills and finally reflect on the changes they have made in their behaviours.

Executive coaching

Senior executives benefit from discrete and confidential coaching.  There are times in their careers where they most need coaching:


  • Their first C suite role
  • Transitioning into a new organisation
  • A recognition by all concerned that there has been a selection error.

Career coaching

We offer tailored solutions ranging from discussion of career aspirations, psychometric tests to help with self awareness, reviews of CVs and interview skills practice.

For our CIPD and ILM candidates we offer a complimentary Career Review.

Organisations change and sometimes people find change difficult. In these circumstances our coaching service is helpful to support the individual and their manager into coming to terms with the change. The end result could be a re-energised individual or recognition by both parties that an amicable separation is the best solution.

Building a coaching infrastructure

The difference between high performing, innovative organisations and the mundane is the recognition that coaching has a fundamental role to play. By introducing a coaching culture organisations are able to the ongoing development of their people. It sets a developmental tone in the organisation and encourages prompt feedback, freedom to challenge and results in a high performing team.

We work with senior management teams to review coaching models so that they are able to select a model or even develop their own model. This ensures total understanding of the process and commitment to the concept of coaching as a management tool.   It also ensures total buy in as the senior team is committed to the model they have designed or selected.

Our approach also includes consulting with the people of the organisation in half day workshops to establish their expectations of a coaching culture. This ensures that the introduction of a coaching culture is readily adopted with ground rules of accepted behaviours established at the start. 

The adoption of a coaching infrastructure supports the journey towards achieving Investors in People, Best Place to work and other quality measures.

Developing coaches and mentors

Coaches and mentors need key skills – we offer training to  develop those skills and provide skills practice and feedback.   Programmes range from one day to three days such programmes are excellent to develop basic skills.

We also offer the ILM qualifications in Coaching and Mentoring.

Coaching supervision

Coaches cannot operate in isolation.  We offer coaching supervision to coaches in small groups so that skills can be polished or on a one to one basis to encourage reflection of practice.  The end objective is to develop skills and improve their professional practices.

We also offer the ILM qualifications in Coaching Supervision.

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