Learn more about our
Career Progression Workshop
Who is the Career Progression Workshop for ?
The Career Progression Workshop is for clients who
- have achieved Professional Assessment of Competence (PAC) or Advanced Level 7
- currently have Associate or Chartered Membership of the CIPD
- need support in progressing towards an appropriate level of Chartered Membership
What are the Objectives ?
At the end of the workshop you will be able to
- Identify the benefits of upgrading to the appropriate level of professional membership
- Determine eligibility for upgrade to the most appropriate level of membership
- Utilise the Profession Map and My CPD Map for further CPD purposes
- Identify the next steps for progress to the next level of membership and career development
- Complete the application process for upgrade where appropriate
- Identify further sources of support where required
The Programme at a glance
10:00 Coffee and Registration
10:15 Welcome and Introductions
Introduction to CIPD Membership
Presentation and Discussion
- What is Professional Membership?
- Membership levels
- Profession Map
- Benefits of Professional Membership
- Eligibility for Upgrading
- Qualifications and Membership
- Moving to Professional Membership
- Overview of the upgrade process
- Upgrade Methodology
- My CPD Map on line tool
- CIPD Website
11:15 Coffee
Exploring Membership
Presentation and Discussion
- Membership Criteria for Chartered Member and Chartered Fellow
- Differences between Chartered Member and Chartered Fellow
- Determining individual Upgrade Eligibility
- Membership Requirements
- Knowledge
- Activities
- Behaviours
- Colleague Support
Introduction to the documentation
- Application Forms
- Colleague Assessment Forms
- CV
- Organisation Chart
13:00 Lunch
Application Practice
Group /Individual Activity and Discussion
- Gathering the evidence
- Choosing appropriate examples
- Matching to the Membership Criteria
- Filling in the Paperwork
- Top Tips
- Discussion of Strong and Weak answers
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
15:00 Tea
Continuing Professional Development and Next Steps
Presentation and Discussion
- Setting Objectives and Charting Progress
- The Cycle of CPD
- Key Questions for your CPD
- Identifying your development needs
- Meeting your development goals
- The paperwork
- My CPD Map
CPD Reflection
What are your takeaways from today?
- Further support
- Any Questions?
16:30 Farewell and have a great week!
When and Where
- Date to be confirmed
- 10:00 – 16:30
- The Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED