Gearing up for 6G

Now do I hear you say what is she up to now? Of course you have read and heard me talking about the 5G workplace, but now we have 6G and it is not the latest iPhone!
I was pleased to be blown away by a really professionally run conference in Manchester this week. Investors in People (IiP) launched the Sixth Generation of the Standard.

Change is all around us

Change is all around us

Sometimes the oldies are the goodies. One of my favourite goodies is Alvin Toffler, I first came across him at a time in my life when I was beginning to have confidence in myself and my own ability to learn. His book The Third Wave made so much sense to me then and now. Toffler used the term waves:

Do we need to stop saying HR and talk about PEOPLE ?

Do we need to stop saying HR and talk about PEOPLE ?

Is it time to stop using the term Human Resources, or perhaps even Human Capital and go back to the root of the word Personnel – People ? Consider the following: It is a fact that despite moves to robots, the highest cost to most organisations is their people. It is also widely recognised that an engaged workforce is more productive than a dis-engaged workforce.

Cultural fit is vital to Employee Engagement

Cultural fit is vital to Employee Engagement

Tuesday was the Haywards Heath and District Business Association (HHDBA) networking event at Idlewild and as it was the Chair’s “Official” Birthday BBQ bash it seemed sensible to invite our prospective new employee and two potential students from the University of Sussex. Many members of our team were there too. It was great to also see our last Bright Young Thing (BYT), Eleanor Brough and catch up with her news.