Murray Mania and the Master Mentor?

Congratulations Andy, you are now the Wimbledon champion! We cannot help but reflect on how Murray has benefited from the quality team that have supported him.  In particular how his mentor Lendl has helped to get Murray into the right psychological space.  There are...

Cullen Scholefield Challenge 2013

This week I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Certificate for my Foundation Diploma in HR Practice so that I can finally upgrade from Student to Associate member of CIPD.  Thinking about my journey through the qualification, it got me thinking about our...

Hollie @ HRD 2013

After navigating the London bus system (rookie mistake!) I arrived at the HRD Conference and Exhibition. For a relatively small venue, I’m sure I walked miles that day and the team and I met some really interesting organisations as well as sampling four of the...