Another year older …

Some of you may have missed the fact that my birthday fell during this week.  On reflection it would have been lovely to have a fall in years!!!   I have taken some time off to enjoy it – before you say anything it was not to recover from a hangover!! Time off is good...

Are you a Cobbler or a Cobbler’s Child?

Travelling back from the Isle of Man yesterday Carol and I were discussing this.  No we had not lost the plot – although this is always possible – two Myers Brigg P’s are always interesting and fun! We were reflecting on the age old syndrome of HR professionals...

Golden Reflections

Our July has been busy celebrating achieving Investors in People Gold for the second time.  To us the word sustainability means not only being green, it is about sustaining performance over a period of time – sometimes in the rush to achieve we forget about how...

What job awaits Kate? Will she take the time off?

    We realise that by now you are probably tired of baby stuff, but Kerry and I did get two of the names correct – Louis from Kerry and Alexander from me – we should have put a bet on it!! So what else?    Well on the serious side there is the issue of women,...

Keeping cool how do you do it?

What are we like?  Wrong sort of snow, too wet, too dry and now too hot! Vicki, Hollie and I are trying to keep cool sheltering under our umbrellas, with all doors open and fan going.  Any moment now the ice cream van will be outside to tempt us too! On a slightly...