New Year’s Resolutions

Hello 2014 and to you, our valued reader! Happy New Year to you and welcome back to the Cullen Scholefield blog. A new year means a new start and here at Cullen Scholefield we’re embracing the challenge of change and improvement. We have plenty of new ideas and plans...

Merry Christmas

It is officially five sleeps until Christmas and all of us at Cullen Scholefield are getting very excited! The tree is lit, cards are littering every surface, presents are starting to appear and everyone is in good cheer. Today is our last day in the office until the...

Feeling Proud

Christmas is the time of year for good things and surprises, so in the spirit of this we’re gifting you two blogs this week! Today we want to congratulate all of our candidates who have completed their qualification with us this year, all 129 of them. The Awards...

HR Border Control

Peter Drucker’s well known phrase goes ‘doing things right or doing the right thing?  The problem with this is that it isn’t one or the other.  You have to do the right things and you have to do them right which isn’t always simple or easy. Take the recent incident at...