Ahead of the Game

Our strap line is ‘Ahead of the Game in 86, Still Ahead Now’ and this week we’ve had the pleasure of seeing the validity of this statement. Last week we presented the idea of having an Age Rainbow in your office and we discussed the benefits of age...

Creating an age rainbow

This week HR Review published two articles of interest to us here at Cullen Scholefield.  The first was about the cost of replacing employees and the second was about the all too problematic age gap and how it is affecting our mature workers. Beginning with the first,...

HR on Ice

What we have noticed here at Cullen Scholefield while we discuss the Sochi Winter Olympics over our frequent tea breaks is that sports, and the Olympics especially, has the potential to bring out both the best and worst in people. There are equal amounts of...

Loud and Proud

We are proud parents once more bragging about our wonderful candidates who have completed their qualifications. This time we are talking about our lovely candidates from the Isle of Man. As you may already know, our team here at Cullen Scholefield have been warmly...