A tale of two conferences

A tale of two conferences

For the last month Maureen has been off on her travels all over the place. It hasn’t all been fun and games though! She has been investing her time wisely by getting some me time to do some important blue sky thinking. She attended two conferences – the prestigious...
Dreams, Holidays and Conferences

Dreams, Holidays and Conferences

You’ll remember from the blog last week that Maureen is taking a little bit of ‘me time’ at the CIPD Annual Conference in Manchester this week. This is her chance to get away from the office and do a little bit of blue-sky thinking. She always comes back with new...
Make time for some ‘me time’

Make time for some ‘me time’

After a very busy and exciting year, Maureen has finally found the time to take a well deserved holiday. Maureen is like most HR professionals in the world; she is more concerned with the wellbeing of others than her own, so sometimes she forgets to take some time to...
The importance of bright young things

The importance of bright young things

If you know Maureen well, you will know that she is very firm in her belief of the ‘bright young thing.’ There are so many young people these days who are out of work and are stuck in the experience limbo. You need experience to get the job but you need a job to get...
The comings and goings at Cullen Scholefield

The comings and goings at Cullen Scholefield

There is never a dull moment at Cullen Scholefield as we are constantly changing and moving forwards. We may get dizzy sometimes with the amount of change we undergo, but we always stay on our feet and look on the bright side. In 2014 the main changes we’ve had have...